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Speak it Out records your presentation...if you want it to.

Are you worried that you may fidgit too much while you talk or look too nervous? The video playback feature will be able to show help you critique your presentation and see what you may need to improve on.

Speak it Out is an application which can help you practice your public speaking skills by yourself or with friends!


The Speak it Out game randomly gives you a prompt, which is either an academic or fun/trivial prompt, to speak and present about within the set time range. Players can score and give feedback to each other on a rubric after the speech is presented


About Our App

Speak it Out is not all work and no play!

You're able to choose between academic or fun and trivial topics. Whether you want to practice the night before a big speech or want a quick party game to play with friends, this game is able to bring please any crowd!

Speak it Out is here to help you!


A seperate Tips + Advice page is where you will find techniques and handy ticks that will help improve your presentation! Don't just speak and show a powerpoint, show some personality and win the audience!


Trivial and Academic
Tips and Advice
Video Playback
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